World Languages Faculty Work | World Languages | Ohio Wesleyan University
In addition to work created by faculty of the Department of World Languages, this collection includes work created under the auspices of the Department of Classics and the Department of Modern Foreign Languages, which consolidated following the 2020-2021 academic year.


Submissions from 2021


Experiential Approaches to Teaching African Culture and the Politics of Representation: Building the ‘Documenting Africa’ Project with StoryMapJS, Mary Anne Lewis Cusato and Nancy Demerdash-Fatemi

Systemic Oppression in Morfeo Teatro’s Adaptation and Production of El Coloquio de los Perros, Glenda Y. Nieto-Cuebas

Social Justice in Spanish Golden Age Theatre, Glenda Y. Nieto-Cuebas, Erin A. Cowling, Tania de Miguel Magro, and Mina García Jordán


Let Us Not Forget: Female Agency and Historical (Dis)remembering in Patricia Ferreira’s Film Sé Quién Eres, Eva París-Huesca

Submissions from 2020

Roman Conquests: Mesopotamia and Arabia, Lee M. Fratantuono


Review of Homer and the Poetics of Gesture, by Alex C. Purves, Donald G. Lateiner

Experiential Learning and the Spanish Comedia: Process and Outcomes, Glenda Y. Nieto-Cuebas


The Sierra Morena Episodes in Don Quixote, from Prose to Visual Narrative, Glenda Y. Nieto-Cuebas

Turning Students’ Projects Into Shareable Digital Content in the Early Modern Spanish Class, Glenda Y. Nieto-Cuebas


Teatro Inverso’s Rosaura: Recasting La Vida es Sueño through Storytelling, Glenda Y. Nieto-Cuebas and Erin A. Cowling


El Impacto de los Festivales en la Cultura Cinematográfica, Eva Paris-Huesca

De la Urbe Mítica a la Periferia Histórica: La Búsqueda de Nuevos Espacios e Identidades Glocales en la Serie Literaria de Susana Martín Gijón, Eva París-Huesca

Pejorative Pedagogy: Structuring Social Hierarchies through Profane Language in the Manière de Langage of 1396, Ashley Powers

Submissions from 2019

Conversando con el Angel, Carlos Aguasaco and Abeer Abdelaal

Poemas del Metro de Nueva York, Carlos Aguasaco and Abeer Abdelaal

A Furious Fury: Virgil’s Camilla, Livy’s Camillus, and the Reconciliations of Juno, Lee Fratantuono

Exemplum Pietatis: Lausus in the Aeneid, Lee Fratantuono


Nymphaeque sorores: Virgil’s Sororities of Nymphs, Lee Fratantuono


Alma Phoebe: Lunar References in Virgil’s Aeneid, Lee M. Fratantuono


Review of The Epigrams of Crinagoras of Mytilene: Introduction, Text, Commentary, by Maria Ypsilanti, Lee M. Fratantuono


Review of Experiencing Pain in Imperial Greek Culture, by Daniel King, Donald Lateiner

Alien-Nation and the Algerian Harraga: The Limits of Nation-Building and Cosmopolitanism as Interpretive Models for the Clandestine Immigrant, Mary Anne Lewis Cusato


Review of Age of Conquests: The Greek World from Alexander to Hadrian, by Angelos Chaniotis, Michael F. McOsker


Almudena Carracedo Habla de El Silencio de Otros, Eva Paris-Huesca


Así Será el Festival de Sundance 2019, Eva Paris-Huesca


Estos son los Ganadores de Sundance 2019, Eva Paris-Huesca


Festival de Sundance 2019: Crónica 1, Eva Paris-Huesca


Festival de Sundance 2019: Crónica 2, Eva Paris-Huesca

Reivindicando el Cine Ginocriminal Español: El Proyecto Pionero de La Ciudad Perdida, de Margarita Alexandre, Eva Paris-Huesca


Vera Caspary, la Mujer que Escribió Laura, Eva Paris-Huesca

Santuario y Desierto Mar, Juan Armando Rojas and Abeer Abdelaal

Submissions from 2018

La Transmisión Intergeneracional y la Crisis de la Memoria en El Espíritu de Mis Padres Sigue Subiendo en la Lluvia, de Patricio Pron, Andrea Colvin


Review of Brutus: The Noble Conspirator, by Kathryn Tempest, Lee M. Fratantuono

Review of Lucan and Claudian: Context and Intertext, edited by Valéry Berlincourt, Lavinia Galli Milić, and Damien Nelis, Lee M. Fratantuono

Review of Lucan und der Prinzipat: Inkonsistenz und Unzuverlässiges Erzählen im “Bellum Civile,” by Nadje Kimmerle, Lee M. Fratantuono


Review of Regulating Sex in the Roman Empire: Ideology, the Bible, and the Early Christians, by David Wheeler‐Reed, Lee M. Fratantuono

Review of Spenser and Virgil: The Pastoral Poems, by Syrithe Pugh, Lee M. Fratantuono

The Wolf in Virgil, Lee M. Fratantuono

Virgil’s Pastoral Apollo, Lee M. Fratantuono


Olfactoring Ancient Fictions: Fair and Foul Fragrances in Ancient Novels, Donald Lateiner

Recognizing Miracles in Ancient Greek Novels, Donald Lateiner

Review of A Guide to Reading Herodotus’ Histories, by Sean Sheehan, Donald Lateiner


From Tahar Djaout's ‘No’ to Mustapha Benfodil's ‘Enough!’: Two Moments of Revolutionary Aesthetics in Contemporary Algerian Literature and Cultural Activism, Mary Anne Lewis Cusato


Las Primeras Voces Femeninas del Noir de Hollywood, Eva Paris-Huesca

Ryu se viste para matar: el universo noir de Isabel Coixet [Ryu Dressed to Kill: Isabel Coixet’s Noir Universe], Eva Paris-Huesca

Agencia, Historia y Empoderamiento Femenino, Eva Paris-Huesca, Diane Marting, and Yamile Silva


Advocating for a Diversity and Inclusion Commitment at Liberal Arts Colleges: Essential Conversations in the Role of the Chief Diversity Officer, Juan Armando Rojas

Posmodernidad y Multiforma en la Obra de Dos Poetas Mexicanos Contemporáneos: Alberto Blanco y Coral Bracho, Juan Armando Rojas

De Caña de Maíz y Miel: 12 Haikus de Ohio / On Cornstalks and Honey: 12 Ohio Haiku, Juan Armando Rojas and Jennifer Rathbun

Virgil, Aeneid 8: Text, Translation, and Commentary, Virgil, Lee M. Fratantuono, and R. Alden Smith

Submissions from 2017

Apollo in the Aeneid, Lee M. Fratantuono

Pallasne Exurere Classem: Minerva in the Aeneid, Lee M. Fratantuono

Lucullus: The Life and Campaigns of a Roman Conqueror, Lee M. Fratantuono

The Ambiguous Arms of Aeneas, Lee M. Fratantuono


Clio and Thalia: Attic Comedy and Historiography, Donald Lateiner

Disgust in the Latin Novels of Petronius and Apuleius, Donald Lateiner

Double-Trouble in Ovid’s Ceyx and Alcyone, Donald Lateiner

Introduction: Ancient and Modern Modes of Understanding and Manipulating Disgust, Donald Lateiner

Review of A Cultural History of the Senses in Antiquity, edited by Jerry Toner, Donald Lateiner


Review of Hope, Joy, and Affection in the Classical World, edited by Ruth R. Caston and Robert A. Kaster, Donald Lateiner

Review of Sight and the Ancient Senses, edited by Michael Squire, Donald Lateiner

Review of The Cambridge Companion to Xenophon, edited by Michael Flower, Donald Lateiner


Review of The Spartan Regime: Its Character, Origins, and Grand Strategy, by Paul Rahe, Donald Lateiner

The emotion of disgust, provoked and expressed in earlier Greek literature, Donald Lateiner

The Ancient Emotion of Disgust, Donald Lateiner and Demos Spatharas


Heredity Beyond the Rougon-Macquart: The Case of Travail, Ana Oancea


Review of Fairy Tales for the Disillusioned: Enchanted Stories from the French Decadent Tradition (Oddly Modern Fairy Tales), edited by G. Schultz and L. Seifert, Ana Oancea


The Temptation of the Material in Jean Lorrain’s Fairy Tales: ‘La Princesse sous verre’ and ‘La Princesse Neigefleur’, Ana Oancea


Verne at Lyon's Fête des Lumières: New Media, Old Dystopia, Ana Oancea

Female Victims, Heroines, and Law Enforcers: Polyphony of Identities in Susana Martín Gijón´s Novels, Eva Paris-Huesca

Visiones contemporáneas de la mujer criminal en las novelas de Cristina Fallarás y Empar Fernández, Eva Paris-Huesca

Blood Wedding, Eva Paris-Huesca and Edward Kahn

Mujeres en los Orígenes del Cine / Women Pioneers of the Camera: The Off-Screen, Eva Paris-Huesca and Barbara Zecchi

Adamar de Minerva Margarita Villarreal: Un Recorrido Lírico por el Amor, Juan Armando Rojas

Desde la Ventanilla, Juan Armando Rojas

La Casa Amurallada, Juan Armando Rojas

Tacitus: Annals XVI, Tacitus and Lee M. Fratantuono

Submissions from 2016


Mauricio Rosencof, Andrea Colvin


Divine Twins: Daphne, Apollo, and an Ovidian Response to Virgil, Lee M. Fratantuono

Review of ​I Poeti Augustei e la Guerra: Con una Introduzione di Aldo Luisi, by Nicoletta Berrino, Lee M. Fratantuono


Sate Sanguine Divum: A Brief Note on the Sibyl’s Hesiodic Rebuke of Aeneas, Lee M. Fratantuono

The Battle of Actium 31 BC: War for the World, Lee M. Fratantuono


The Penthesilead of Quintus Smyrnaeus: A Study in Epic Reversal, Lee M. Fratantuono

Unde Pater Tiberinus: The River Tiberinus in Virgil’s ​Aeneid, Lee M. Fratantuono


​Vimque Deum Infernam: Virgil’s God of the Underworld, Lee M. Fratantuono


In Memoriam: Phillip and Estelle De Lacy, Donald Lateiner


Review of Aristophanes and the Cloak of Comedy: Affect, Aesthetics, and the Canon, by Mario Telò, Donald Lateiner


Review of ​Emotions between Greece and Rome, BICS supplement 125, edited by Douglas L. Cairns and Laurel Fulkerson, Donald Lateiner


Review of Holy Men and Charlatans in the Ancient Novel, edited by Stelios Panayotakis, Gareth Schmeling, Michael Paschalis, Donald Lateiner

Review of ​Homer’s Iliad: The Basel Commentary Book III, by Martha Krieter­-Spiro, Donald Lateiner


Review of Images for Classicists, edited by K.M. Coleman, Donald Lateiner

Review of Knowing Future Time in and Through Greek Historiography, edited by Alexandra Lianeri, Donald Lateiner


Review of ​Seeing the War: The Stories behind the Famous Photographs from World War II, by David P. Colley, Donald Lateiner


Two and a Half Recollections of Mark Edwards, Donald Lateiner


Between Francophonie and World Literature in French: Tahar Ben Jelloun’s Evolving Authority, Mary Anne Lewis


Review of Rencontre Avec le Pape: L'islam et le Dialogue Interreligieux by Mustapha Chérif, Mary Anne Lewis


The Maghreb’s New Publishing House: Les Éditions Barzakh and the Stakes of Localized Publishing, Mary Anne Lewis

El Conde Partinuplés, Ana Caro Mallen De Soto and Glenda Yael Nieto Cuebas


Review of El Agua de la Muerte, by Nieto Solis and Jose Antonio, Eva Paris-Huesca


Género e Identidad, Elementos en la Poesía Comprometida de Tres Poetas de la Frontera: Arminé Arjona, Susana Chávez y Micaela Solís, Juan Armando Rojas