Botany & Microbiology Faculty Work | Botany & Microbiology | Ohio Wesleyan University
The Department of Botany & Microbiology and the Department of Zoology consolidated following the 2020-2021 academic year. For new faculty work, please see the Department of Biological Sciences.


Submissions from 2020

Generic Status of Winitia (Annonaceae, Miliuseae) Reaffirmed by Molecular Phylogenetic Analysis, Including a New Species and a New Combination from Thailand, David M. Johnson, Tanawat Chaowasku, Kithisak Aongyong, Anissara Damthongdee, and Hathaichanok Jongsook


Two New Species of Alphonsea (Annonaceae) from Thailand, David M. Johnson, Charan Leeratiwong, and Piya Chalermglin


Prevalence of Feather-Degrading Bacillus spp. on the Plumage of Birds in Australia, Laura Tuhela-Reuning, Nadya M. Sotnychuk, Larynn R. Cutshaw, and Christa Beckmann

Submissions from 2019


Insulin-Mediated Changes in Tau Hyperphosphorylation and Autophagy in a Drosophila Model of Tauopathy and Neuroblastoma Cells, Suren S. Ambegaokar, Shreyasi Chatterjee, George R. Jackson, and Amrit Mudher


Allspice Extract Enhances the Yield of T2 Bacteriophage in E. coli by Stimulating the Adenylate Cyclase Enzyme, Gerald Goldstein


Cinnamon Extract and Cinnamaldehyde Inhibit the Replication of T2 Bacteriophage in E. coli: Potential for Use in Antiviral and Anticancer Therapy, Gerald Goldstein and A. G. Shumaker


Polyalthia khaoyaiensis (Annonaceae), a New Species from Thailand, David M. Johnson, Nancy Murray, Pasakorn Bunchalee, and Pranom Chantaranothai


Comparison of Microgravity Analogs to Spaceflight in Studies of Plant Growth and Development, Chris Wolverton, John Z. Kiss, Sarah E. Wyatt, Karl H. Hasenstein, and Jack J.W.A. van Loon

Submissions from 2018


Effects of Urbanization on the Population Structure of Freshwater Turtles Across the United States, Laurel J. Anderson, David Bowne, Bradley J. Cosentino, Christopher P. Bloch, Sandra Cooke, Patrick W. Crumrine, and Jason Dallas


Coriander Seed Extract Enhances the Yield of T2 Bacteriophage in E. coli by Stimulating Adenylate Cyclase, Gerald Goldstein, Sarah Bergman, Marielle Buss, Hanna Cordes, Mary Cranley, Nicholas Reed, and Malory Wolfe

Ginger extract inhibits the replication of T2 bacteriophage by inhibiting the synthesis of nucleosides, Gerald Goldstein, Sarah Bergman, Marielle Buss, Mary Cranley, and Nicholas Reed


New records and rediscoveries of plants in Singapore, David M. Johnson, R.C.J. Lim, and S. Lindsay


A revision of Xylopia L. (Annonaceae): the species of Tropical Africa, David M. Johnson and Nancy A. Murray

Submissions from 2017


Effect of the length of antisense RNA on bacterial enzyme production, Gerald Goldstein, E.T. McKenzie, N.R. Reed, and A.C. Smith


New Species of Xylopia (Annonaceae) from East Africa, David M. Johnson, Nancy Murray, Quentin Luke, and David Goyder


Plastid and Seed Morphology Data Support a Revised Infrageneric Classification and an African Origin of the Pantropical Genus Xylopia (Annonaceae), David M. Johnson, Gregory Stull, Nancy Murray, Thomas Couvreur, Jenna Reeger, and Caroline Roy


The Impact of Substrate and Irrigation Interval on the Post-Transplant Root Growth of Container-Grown Zinnia and Tomato, Bruce Roberts, Chris Wolverton, and Lauren Janowicz

Characterizing Plant Gravity Perception Systems: An Overview of an EMCS Experiment, Scott Wolverton

Submissions from 2016


Quantitative Assessment of Eye Phenotypes for Functional Genetic Studies Using ​Drosophila melanogaster, Surendra Ambegaokar, Janani Iyer, Qingyu Wang, and Thanh Le


Collaborative Research Networks Provide Unique Opportunities for Faculty and Student Researchers, Laurel J. Anderson, David Bowne, Jerald Dosch, Tracy Gartner, Martha Hoopes, Karen Kuers, and Erin Lindquist


Summit of the Research Coordination Networks for Undergraduate Biology Education, Laurel J. Anderson, Carrie Eaton, Deborah Allen, Gillian Bowser, Mark Pauley, Kathy Williams, and Gordon Uno


Differential Susceptibility of Bacteriophage and Viruses to Reactive Oxygen Species, Gerald Goldstein


Turmeric Extract and Curcumin Enhance the Yield of T2 Bacteriophage in E. Coli, Gerald Goldstein, Sarah Bergman, Mary Cranley, and Nicholas Reed


Inhibition of Replication of Adenovirus by 6-Diazo-5-Oxo-L-Norleucine (DON), Gerald Goldstein and Jamie Harden


A New Species in the Tree Genus ​Polyceratocarpus (Annonaceae) from the Udzungwa Mountains of Tanzania, David M. Johnson, Andrew Marshall, Thomas Couvreur, Abigail Summers, Nicolas Deere, W.R. Quentin Luke, Henry Ndangalasi, and Sue Sparrow

Submissions from 2015


Garlic and Onion Extracts Enhance the Yield of T2 Bacteriophage in ​E.Coli, Gerald Goldstein, Owen Kelling, Gregory Serpa, Karli Sturgill, and Madeline Vroom


Sodium Fluoride Enhances T2 Bacteriophage Yield, Gerald Goldstein and Jazmine Quinn


Comparison of the Keratinase Gene Sequences of Fast and Slow Feather Degrading Strains of ​Bacillus licheniformis, Gerald Goldstein, Patricia Celestino Soper, Allison Morrell Bailey, and Sara Fitzgerald­-Butt


Huberantha, a Replacement Name for Hubera (Annonaceae: Malmeoideae: Miliuseae), David M. Johnson, Tanawat Chaowasku, Raymond van der Ham, and Lars Chatrou


A Contribution to the Systematics of ​Xylopia (Annonaceae) in Southeast Asia, David M. Johnson and Nancy Murray


The Historical Origins of Palaeotropical Intercontinental Disjunctions in the Pantropical Flowering Plant Family Annonaceae, David M. Johnson, Daniel Thomas, Lars Chatrou, Gregory Stull, David Harris, U-sa Thongpairoj, and Richard Saunders


An Examination of the Variation in Maternal Placentae across the Genus Poeciliopsis (Poeciliidae), Tami Panhuis, Lucia Kwan, Megan Fris, Frieda Rodd, Locke Rowe, and Laura Tuhela-Reuning

Quantification of Root Gravitropic Response Using a Constant Stimulus Feedback System, Chris Wolverton


Evaluation of a Substrate­-Applied Humectant to Mitigate Drought Stress in Young, Container­-Grown Plants, Chris Wolverton, Bruce Roberts, and Samantha West

Submissions from 2014


Molecular Phylogenetic Support for the Taxonomic Merger of Fitzalania and Meiogyne (Annonaceae): New Nomenclatural Combinations Under the Conserved Name Meiogyne, David M. Johnson, Bine Xue, Daniel Thomas, Tanawat Chaowasku, and Richard Saunders

Submissions from 2013


The Short Term Germination and Establishment Success of Deer-Dispersed Seeds in Mesic Temperate Forests, Laurel J. Anderson, Lauren Blyth, Laura Ouborg, and David Johnson


Gas Exchange, Growth, and Defense Responses of Invasive Alliaria petiolata (Brassicaceae) and Native Geum vernum (Rosaceae) to Elevated Atmospheric CO2 and Warm Spring Temperatures, Laurel J. Anderson and Don Cipollini


First United States Records of the Rhigonematid Genera Heth and Ruizia (Nematoda: Rhigonematida) from the Introduced Millipede, Anadenobolus monilicornis (Diplopoda: Rhinocricidae) in Key Largo, Florida, USA, Ramon A. Carreno, David Ordsch, Josephine Koltek, Danielle Hamill, and Laura Tuhela-Reuning

Marsileaceae, David M. Johnson and Youxing Lin


Taxonomy and Biogeography of the New Caledonian Species of Xylopia L. (Annonaceae), David M. Johnson, Jerome Munzinger, Julie Peterson, and Nancy Murray


Low Phosphate Alters Lateral Root Setpoint Angle and Gravitropism, Chris Wolverton, Hanwen Bai, Bhavna Murali, and Kevin Barber

Submissions from 2012


Inhibition of Replication of T2 Bacteriophage in Escherichia coli by 6-diazo-5-oxo-Lnorleucine (DON), Gerald Goldstein, Umut Aypar, Amanda Robinson, Heather Costello, and Christina Vorobej


Characterization of Hubera (Annonaceae), a New Genus Segregated from Polyalthia and Allied to Miliusa, David M. Johnson, Tanawat Chaowasku, Raymond W.J.M. Van Der Ham, and Lars Chatrou


Keys to the Genera of Annonaceae, David M. Johnson, Thomas Couvreur, Paul Maas, Svenja Meinke, and Paul Kessler

Submissions from 2011


Transforming Ecological Science at Primarily Undergraduate Institutions through Collaborative Networks, Laurel J. Anderson, Amy L. Downing, David R. Bowne, Martha F. Hoopes, Kathleen LoGiudice, Carolyn L. Thomas, Tracy B. Gartner, Daniel J. Hornbach, Karen Kuers, Jose-Luis Machado, and Kathleen L. Shea


Thelastomatid Nematodes (Oxyurida: Thelastomatoidea) from the Peppered Cockroach, Archimandrita tesselata (Insecta: Blattaria) in Costa Rica, Ramon A. Carreno and Laura Tuhela-Reuning


Gravitropism in Lateral Roots of Arabidopsis pgm-l Mutants is Indistinguishable from that of Wild Type, Chris Wolverton and Hanwen Bai


Root Cap and Gravitropic Response Rate Are Uncoupled in the Arabidopsis pgm-l Mutant, Chris Wolverton, Alex Paya, and Jonida Toska

Submissions from 2010


Root Responses Along a Subambient to Elevated C02 Gradient in a C3—C4 Grassland, Laurel J. Anderson, Justin Derner, H. Wayne Polley, Wendy Gordon, David Eissenstat, and Robert Jackson


Humectants as Post-Plant Soil Amendments: Effects on the Wilting Cycle of Drought-Stressed, Container-Grown Tree Seedlings, Bruce Roberts and R. Scott Linder


Risk-Based Evaluation of Escherichia coli Monitoring Data from Undisinfected Drinking Water, Laura Tuhela-Reuning, Jeffrey Soller, Martha Embrey, Audrey Ichida, and Jeffrey Rosen

Submissions from 2009


Collaborative Research at Primarily Undergraduate Institutions, Laurel J. Anderson, Martha Hoopes, and Jeffrey Simmons


Estimating Nitrogen Uptake of Individual Roots in Container- and Field-Grown Plants Using a 15N-Depletion Approach, Laurel J. Anderson, Astrid Volder, David Smart, Arnold Bloom, Alan Lakso, and David Eissenstat

New Species from the Galoka and Kalabenono Massifs: Two Unknown and Severely Threatened Mountainous Areas in NW Madagascar, David M. Johnson


Molecular and Morphological Characterization of a New Monotypic Genus of Annonaceae, Mwasumbia, from Tanzania, David M. Johnson, Thomas Couvreur, Raymond van der Ham, Youssoufa Mbele, and Frank Mbago


Two New Species of Xylopia (Annonaceae) From Borneo, David M. Johnson and I.M. Turner


An Update on Plant Space Biology, Chris Wolverton and John Kiss

Submissions from 2008


An Ontology for Landscapes, Laurel J. Anderson, Christopher Lepczyk, and Christopher Lortie


Community and Ecosystem Responses to a Pulsed Pesticide Disturbance in Freshwater Ecosystems, Laura Tuhela-Reuning, Amy L. Downing, Kristen DeVanna, C. Nichole Rubeck-Schurtz, and Heather Grunkemeyer

Submissions from 2007


Xylopia decorticans (Annonaceae), A New Cauliflorous Species from Brazil, David M. Johnson and Adriana Q. Lobão

Submissions from 2006


Potential Nitrogen Constraints on Soil Carbon Sequestration Under Low and Elevated Atmospheric C02, Laurel J. Anderson, Richard A. Gill, H. Wayne Polley, Hyrum B. Johnson, and Robert B. Jackson


Water-clover Ferns, Marsilea, in the Southeastern United States, David M. Johnson and Colette C. Jacono

Submissions from 2005


Canopy and Environmental Control of Root Dynamics in a Long-Term Study of Concord Grape, Laurel J. Anderson, L.H. Comas, R.M. Dunst, A.N. Lakso, and D.M. Eissenstat

Bacterial community profiles on feathers during composting as determined by terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of 16S rDNA genes, Jann M. Ichida, Edward H. Burtt Jr., S. M. Tiquia, H. M. Keener, D. L. Elwell, and F. C. Michel Jr.


Apical Control, Gravitropic Signaling, and the Growth of Lateral Roots in Arabidopsis, Chris Wolverton, Jack L. Mullen, and Roger P. Hangarter

Submissions from 2003


Multiple Risk Factors in Root Survivorship: A 4-year Study in Concord Grape, Laurel J. Anderson, L.H. Comas, A.N. Lasko, and D.M. Eissenstat


Phylogenetic Significance of Spiral and Distichous Architecture in the Annonaceae, David M. Johnson


Comparative development of aseptate and septate anthers of Annonaceae, David M. Johnson and Chih-Hua Tsou