Event Title

Impact of Yoga on Youth Anxiety

Presentation Type




Start Date

5-6-2021 12:00 AM


Education | Kinesiology | Psychology


Anxiety disorders are the most prevalent psychological disorder among children. Over 4 million youths have a serious psychiatric disorder that causes significant impairments. Prevalence data of a representative U.S. sample showed that 50% of adolescents affected by anxiety had their onset before the age of six. Anxiety is associated with mood disorders, suicide attempts, and psychiatric hospitalization. The impact of anxiety on youth is significant which is why there is a push to find effective ways to reduce anxiety. Yoga has been an increasingly popular activity with the youth populations. In 2007, over 1.5 million children were participating in yoga programs in the United States. Yoga is described as mindful and contemplative practice that includes structured activities that “require individuals to exercise volitional control” over their physical and mental activity. Yoga for children often modifies the movements and postures and focuses on mental and emotional awareness and self regulation skills. There have been many studies about the positive effects of yoga on the adult population. However, there is a lack of evidence on the effectiveness of yoga in reducing anxiety in children and adolescents.

Project Origin

Independent Study

Faculty Mentor

Andrew Busch; Chris Modica


Jun 5th, 12:00 AM

Impact of Yoga on Youth Anxiety


Anxiety disorders are the most prevalent psychological disorder among children. Over 4 million youths have a serious psychiatric disorder that causes significant impairments. Prevalence data of a representative U.S. sample showed that 50% of adolescents affected by anxiety had their onset before the age of six. Anxiety is associated with mood disorders, suicide attempts, and psychiatric hospitalization. The impact of anxiety on youth is significant which is why there is a push to find effective ways to reduce anxiety. Yoga has been an increasingly popular activity with the youth populations. In 2007, over 1.5 million children were participating in yoga programs in the United States. Yoga is described as mindful and contemplative practice that includes structured activities that “require individuals to exercise volitional control” over their physical and mental activity. Yoga for children often modifies the movements and postures and focuses on mental and emotional awareness and self regulation skills. There have been many studies about the positive effects of yoga on the adult population. However, there is a lack of evidence on the effectiveness of yoga in reducing anxiety in children and adolescents.