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Earley speaks of Brother William Winans, whose health is very poor. He also talks about the "Indian question which is making much noise in this country." Earley says that "the Chaktahs have determined to move over the Mississippi and leave the land of their fathers to their oppressors." He reports "that there is much excitement in the city of Orleans because it has been fired on repeatedly by incendiaries as it is thought, and the citizens are in a state of constant alarm and the city is also very unhealthy." Earley is undecided about his own future. Abstract Number - 842
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Woodville, MS
General Ministry; William Winans; Chaktahs; Indian Removal Act (1830); Choctaw Removal; New Orleans; Incendiaries
Recommended Citation
Earley, J.M., "Letter from J.M. Earley to James B. Finley" (1830). Finley Letters. 329.