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This morning I received the first issue of your paper and I suppose to try to harass my mind with things which you will say about me, and I say now to you, I want you to send me no more. I have lost all confidence in you as an honorable man. You have treated me badly as the best and finest friend you ever had and I look upon ingratitude as the worst exhibition of the human heart. I want nothing to do with you and all you can say about me. I know you will not injure me for we are both known in this community. I want no controversy with you and I hope you may yet have gratitude enough just to let me be at peace. I can do the same with you. All the arguments you could use in a life time if it should as long as Mathesolus will not change my mind. I am your much injured and maltreated friend. Abstract Number - 280
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Finley/Latta Quarrel
Recommended Citation
Finley, James B., "Letter from James B. Finley to Samuel Arminius Latta" (1846). Finley Letters. 279.