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Houston (editor of Ohio Watchman and Postmaster in Dayton) writes to Finley concerning several important topics. He is greatly concerned about the falling away in Dayton from "Old Methodism." Instead of reforming the people, local preachers are inveighing against the Discipline. It is time for an "old fashioned revival." He then talks about the difficulties he has experienced as editor of the Ohio Watchman. His expenses have been great, and his receipts small. He is near ruin, and will shortly be selling out. Finally, Houston expresses his deep sympathy for the Indians. Much effort has been made to civilize, educate, and Christianize the Indians, and now we are driving them to the west, most likely on to the Pacific, and finally into the ocean. Annihilation appears to be the goal. Abstract Number - 516
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General Ministry; Dayton M.E.C.; Old Methodism; Ohio Watchman; Postmaster; Indian Removal
Recommended Citation
Houston, George S., "Letter from George S. Houston to James B. Finley" (1826). Finley Letters. 813.