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David Young [Presiding Elder of Lancaster District] writes to his colleague James B. Finley [Lebanon District] about the effects of Radicalism in his district. After listing the number of members from big circuits that have defected to the breakaway denomination, he informs Finley that even though 33 Radicals withdrew from the Zanesville congregation, another 90 members have joined the M.E. congregation. Young includes copies of his correspondence with the Radical Cornelius Springer concerning his withdrawal from the MEC and unwillingness to serve his circuit moving forward. Young agrees to take Springer's letter to the next Ohio Annual Conference for consideration. Yes, Young has seen the Radical Association articles. They are well reviewed in The Itinerant. It would be a good idea for Finley to have copies of the latter available for viewing in divided societies. Abstract Number - 890
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David Young Letters; Finley Friend; Lebanon District; Lancaster District; Radicalism; Presiding Elder; Cornelius Springer; Methodist Protestant Church; The Itinerant (publication); Ohio Conference; Membership Withdrawal
Recommended Citation
Young, David, "Letter from David Young to James B. Finley" (1829). Finley Letters. 376.