
D. Fisher



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Fisher (U.S. Representative from Ohio) has received Finley's letter and states that their views with regard to the War with Mexico are the same. Fisher reports that there is a proposition for peace from the government of Mexico before the Senate which will likely be ratified. The Senate is in secret session. The "Loco" (Focos) do not like the proposition, but will have to accept it. As to the subject of the presidency, Fisher wishes that the Whigs in Ohio would unite for one man -- McLean, Clay, or Scott. He thinks if they can unite on one man, he could be nominated, but if they come to the Convention divided, General Taylor will most certainly be nominated. Fisher wants Finley to tell him how McLean stands in Ohio. McLean would be Fisher's choice after Corwin. Fisher says he would like to see Clay as president. As to religion in Washington City, there are some good people, but a great many bad ones as well. Abstract Number - 862

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Washington City


Ohio History; U.S. History; Locofocos; Mexican American War

Letter from D. Fisher to James B. Finley
